President Josh Moskaitis. President Moskaitis is an engineer on Engine 16 on 3rd shift and has been serving with the department since 2016.
1st Vice President Pat Hayes – 1st VP Hayes in an Engineer with Tower 9 on 3rd shift and has been serving with the department since 2016.
2nd Vice President JC Crum- 2nd VP Crum is an engineer on Engine 16 on 3rd shift and has been serving with the department since 2015.
Secretary Derrick Bosinski- Secretary Bosinski is an Senior fire fighter on Engine 22 on 3rd shift and has been serving with the department since 2022.
Treasurer Gustavo Gonzalez- Treasurer Gonzalez is an engineer on Engine 16 on 1st shift and has been serving with the department since 2016.